I was tasked to redesign the keynote.com website. The client confidently chose to showcase their product with this design. A vibrant and effective site designed to get new prospects started with Keynote.


Site includes a product breakdown, articles pages, and a dynamic performance index

Keynote.com site redesign

By streamlining the content and presenting each solution type on a single, scrolling page with clear calls to action, the design made it easy for prospects to get started with Keynote from both desktop and mobile devices.


It all begins with research and data

Interactive Art Director /

Visual Designer


Design included developing a look and feel, crafting desktop versions, responsive mobile designs, finding and manipulating marquee images, creating illustrations, conducting user testing, evaluation and modification of UX, exploring messaging and creating any supplemental icons, graphics and a style guide.

My Role

Keynote has helped companies test, monitor, and analyze their digital performance since 1995. Their own site needs to be an example of performance and dependability. This responsive design won several design awards and gained a stellar reputation for Keynote.